
Fantastic Father Nominee: Troy Dondi McWilliams

Troy Dondi McWilliams


Name: Troy Dondi McWilliams

City, State: Germantown, MD

Occupation: Retail regional manager

Number of Children: 3

Why He’s Such A Great Father: Troy has been a mentor to not only his three children, but he gives advice, discipline and financial support to his over 16 nieces and nephews and second cousins.  He has traveled from Maryland to Florida to Colorado and more to attend graduations, football games etc. Troy is the father figure to most in the absence of their own!  My three kids respect and admire him and he is currently assisting my youngest son with the NFL draft! He obtained custody of his oldest son from a college relationship when he turned 14. He asked for custody because his son was becoming a man. Troy Jr. is currently serving in the US Army. Words could never express his selflessness.

Community Service Affiliations: Daughter’s softball coach; associate pastor

How He Helps Others in His Community: Financially, I watched him give his beloved Miami Dolphins starter jacket to a young girl walking alone in the cold. He has also allowed family and friends to live with him and his family when in need.


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