Name: Jamaal Lane
City, State: Portland, OR
Occupation: Barbershop Owner/Barber
Number of Children: 3
Why He’s Such A Great Father: Jamaal is an amazing, exceptional father because of the purposed, powerful, unconditional love he has for his family! Spoken from our 6-year-old, “I can see how much he loves me when he looks at me.” This intangible love is one example of why he is the GREATEST!
Community Service Affiliations: Big Brothers Big Sisters, SEI Inc., Nike, Circle on the Court, ITCT, Portland Housing Center
How He Helps Others in His Community: Jamaal is a well-respected barber and business owner in our community. He believes it takes a community to build champions. He has displayed this belief in many ways. He volunteers for youth sports and partners with multiple organizations to strengthen his local community through various outlets.
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