Name: Demar Douglas
City, State: Rialto, CA
Occupation: Fine Artist/Illustrator
Number of Children: 2
Why He’s Such A Great Father: Demar Douglas is a extraordinary father. His dedicated to his two lovely children who mean the world to him. I’m amazed and inspired by how he balances running his business and making sure he is involved in his children’s everyday activities. I often wonder how he does it being a single father and I can’t imagine the struggles a single parent goes through, but his determination to see his children smile is priceless, making him a extraordinary father.
Community Service Affiliations: Day With Daddy (www.daywithdaddy.com)
How He Helps Others in His Community: Demar utilizes his experience of fatherhood in his artwork and illustrations sharing how being a father is a wonderful experience and you can see it through his vision as an artist. He incorporates his passion and love for his children throughout his work, which inspires other fathers also. He has donated many of his artwork pieces to fundraisers for great causes such as diabetes and breasts cancer. He has donated his time to community projects at group homes, and the Museum of Tolerance. Demar illustrated a children’s book for Michael Coylar, called A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The White House, to educate and give awareness for the Obama campaign.
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