
Tag: minimum wage

Wendy’s to Replace All Workers With Machines

Move comes in response to increased minimum wage cost

Lawsuit Filed By NAACP, Fast Food Workers

Fast Food Worker: "I can't afford to feed my son"

Activists Set Sights on $15 Minimum Wage

Illinois, Michigan and others are targeted for efforts to increase pay

NY board backs $15 minimum wage

Finance in the right direction!

T.J. Maxx Follows Wal-Mart, Raises Pay

Raise could impact thousands

Ikea Raises Hourly Pay for US Retail Workers

The pay increase will take effect Jan. 1


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Seattle Raises Minimum Wage

Will other cities follow?

Post It Notes: Hottest Headlines on 2/12

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Obama Raises Minimum Wage for Contract Workers

President expected to sign executive order Wednesday

Single Mother Invited to State Of The Union

Sabrina Jenkins has an all too familiar story

Obama Speech to Address Minimum Wage

President to annouce increase during State of the Union address

Minimum Wage to Increase on Jan. 1

Employees in 13 states to receive higher wages

Post It Notes: Hottest Headlines on 9/13

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Supersize Fast Food Wages?

Fast food employees strike in hopes of earning more money