
Tag: internet

President Announces Internet Access Program

Program to provide Internet, training to more than 200,000 households

Trending: #CharlieCharlieChallenge

Where did this strange Internet craze come from?

Kanye’s ‘Bound 2’: The Children’s Book?

From video to children's book. Get your fill of 'Bound 2'

Report: Russian hackers steal 1.2B passwords

The heists have affected 420,000 websites

Russell Simmons Searches For Next Big Thing In Music

52 unsigned artists. 52 hit singles. 52 weeks.

Pres. Obama Announces “ConnectED” Initiative

Obama unveils plan to get every classroom connected to high speed Internet.

Facebook used to kidnap, traffic Indonesian girls

27 missing indonesian children are believed to have been abducted after meeting their captors on Facebook.

Cannibal case tests lines of fantasy, threat

In the case of an office accused of plotting cannibalism, an attorney says the man was engaging in harmless Internet fantasy.