What people — including newsmakers and celebs– are saying about the George Zimmerman trial online…
Zimmerman’s transformation from “Neighborhood Watcher” to “Neighborhood Judge Dredd”: Zimmerman 911 Call Transcript http://t.co/r1Rq2hZACA
— Ernest Portlow (@eportlow) July 9, 2013
Will judge in #ZimmermanTrial allow animated “cartoon” about what coulda, possibly, maybe happened during fight with #TrayvonMartin?
— EBONY (@EBONYMag) July 9, 2013
So we’re supposed to blame #TrayvonMartin for possibly using his fists to defend himself, & excuse #Zimmerman for using a gun? Sounds fair.
— Moodie (@moodienews) July 9, 2013
#TrayvonMartin supporters vow to kill #Zimmerman , however they have already killed the English Language
—#Justice4Zimmerman (@PerksOfBigZib) July 9, 2013
The Only Justice for Trayvon Martin is to take the Life of George Zimmerman. #EyeForAnEye #ZimmermanTrial!
— THE DROUGHT IS REAL! (@TevinBe) July 9, 2013
Throw out the animation Judge, please enough of this insanity any one who is human is emotionally affected by this tragedy #TrayvonMartin
— ProudLiberal (@EdieVP) July 9, 2013