
“The Dress” Appears in Domestic Violence PSA

#TheDress caused a social media frenzy last week, as it tested the workings of illusion and perception.

An image accompanied by one question: “What color is this dress, black and blue or white and gold?” had folks all over the world in a verbal battle.

The dress serves a new purpose, now. The Salvation Army in South Africa used the circulating photo to deliver a strong message against domestic violence. The image was posted to their Twitter account.

The ad, produced by Ireland/Davenport, a creative agency in South Africa, has already gained widespread support with voices applauding the campaign.

And yes, the idea is present and it’s a great example of how to spin a trending topic for social re-use and bringing forth awareness. However, the compassion of the visual is a little lost with the model’s perfectly “messy” hair and posed body language. For the image to speak louder than the words, I’d like to see an authentic visual. To me, that would invite an even bigger emotional draw.

Was this a powerful and creative way to turn a meme into a message? Share your thoughts in the comments and via social media, @GetJetMag!