

Catch up on the hottest headlines of the day in Post It Notes.
Credit: Thinkstock

Are you suffering from a case of too-many-news-sources-and-not-enough time? Don’t worry, there’s a cure. JET rounds up the relevant headlines of the day in entertainment, breaking news and lifestyle trends.

Click and catch up here every evening with our Post-It Notes:

1. This is not a good year for the NYPD…at all.

2. This athlete left with a bug, but is back with a BANG!

3. Help us wish one important leader a very happy birthday!

4. You might want to think twice before you dine at this restaurant.

5. Check out which athlete had both the best and worst weekend ever.

6. Okay, so Beyonce fans might want to be “on the run” from this man.

7. Here’s the latest in celebrity lawsuits.

8. On a scale of 1 to 10, this couple’s save-the-date video is definitely an 11.