Are you suffering from a case of too-many-news-sources-and-not-enough time? Don’t worry, there’s a cure. JET rounds up the relevant headlines of the day in entertainment, breaking news and lifestyle trends.
Click and catch up here every evening with our Post It Notes:
1. This woman claims that her job had her do this outrageous task.
2. Here’s the latest gossip on hip-hop’s favorite power couple.
3. This may be another instance of a bad guy getting fame and attention.
4. Are these two singers beefing over a guy?
5. There were no laughs when this comedian got serious.
6. London is making headlines and it’s not because of Big Ben.
7. Well, all that attention landed this bad boy a good gig.
8. This athlete’s playing potential got cut short.
9. BET just gave us something to look forward to.