
Happy Headline: “Natural” Meteorologist Lands New Gig

For over a year, hopes of ever working in television again were lost and questionable for Rhonda A. Lee. After being fired from KTBS 3 News, an ABC affiliate in Shreveport, La. for defending her natural hair on the station’s Facebook page, her dream of working as a meteorologist, so she thought, was tarnished for good.

Now, mind you, this was not some angered rant that Lee started via social media. Her defense came in response to offensive comments to the extent of asking if she was a cancer patient. #HowRude

With poise and grace, Rhonda educated the commentator, informing them that naturally, Black women’s hair grows upward, also adding that she is “very proud of who I am and the standard of beauty I display.” Her post received 75 “thumbs up” on Facebook.

The station said they fired Lee because she violated the company’s social media policy.

Despite the outrage it caused, Rhonda is back in business and will start working as a meteorologist for national weather channel, WeatherNation. She, her husband and their 10-month old daughter will be heading to Denver soon.

“It’s revealing to me that you should never give up,” she told “I tell people that all the time in any speech that I give. For me to actually follow my own advice is a pretty beautiful thing.”

Read more about this story here.