Are you a student at a historically black college or university? Do you need money for your education? Do you have a fresh, innovative idea to help improve your community’s sustainability? If you answered yes to all three questions, this message is for you.
For the first time, Ford Motor Company is bringing its Ford College Community Challenge to a HBCU near you. Through a joint effort with the “Tom Joyner Morning Show” and “Rickey Smiley Morning Show, Ford is giving away a total of $100,000 dollars in grants and scholarships to students in support of building sustainable communities.
So how does the competition work?
Students are to “creatively address a tangible, unmet community need that touches at least one of these four areas: Mobility, Alternative Energy, Sustainability/Water and Systematic Approaches to Meeting Community Needs. Scholarships will be awarded to the student team, and community grants will be awarded to nonprofits to support implementation of the winning projects. The four teams with the best ideas will be flown to Ford World Headquarters in December to present their ideas for final judging. One first-place student team will receive a grand prize of $75,000 in scholarships, university and community awards!”
Proposals must be submitted by November 10, so if you think you’ve got what it takes or you just want to learn more about the competition, click HERE.
Hurry, don’t miss your chance to win and make a difference in your community!