
Derrick Rose Shoots Back at Rape Accuser

NBA star Derrick Rose has fired back against the woman who is claiming that he and two buddies gang raped her. In fact, he insists the sex was consensual and that she even provided the sex toys.

The victim, identified as “Jane Doe” filed a $21 million lawsuit in California federal court claiming that the recent New York Knicks acquisition and two other men entered her apartment, drugged and raped her, the New York Daily News reports.

But in new court documents, Rose stood his ground.

“This is not a rape case,” the new filing says. “It’s pure and simple extortion by a plaintiff who wants to hide behind the cloak of anonymity while seeking millions in damages from a celebrity with whom she was in a long-term nonexclusive consensual sexual relationship.”

The court documents also state that the 30-year-old plaintiff was in fact the sexual aggressor that night and had arrived with another woman. Rose claims that she drank before she came and even proceeded to ask him for drugs, which he declined.

Lawyers of the former Chicago Bulls point guard says the defense is bolstered by Doe’s own text messages.

“The woman’s own text messages- wrongfully withheld until the day after her deposition-contradict the allegations in the complaint. The texts show (Doe) being adventurous, claiming to buy and bringing a sex belt to have fun with Mr. Rose, and then asking Mr. Rose to drive over to her house at 1 a.m. for more consensual sexual interaction,” the filing continues.

The documents go into further detail about Doe asking Rose to reimburse her for cab fare and the sex toys she purchased.

Doe’s lawyers labeled Rose’s story as misogynistic.

One of her attorneys said, “They have no response on the merits, so they call the victim a sexual aggressor when she’s a rape victim.”