
Dad ‘Disgusted’ by Mike Brown Exhibit

An art exhibit on display in Chicago depicting the death of a slain 18-year-old Missouri teen is causing controversy.

Michael Brown died last August after he was fatally wounded by a White Ferguson, Missouri police officer. His death sparked a wave of national protests in response to several instances of police brutality in America.

Many felt like it was open season on Black youth, particularly Black males, and his death reinforced that notion.

Among those upset with the exhibit is Michael Brown’s father, Michael Brown Sr.

“I really, really, really would like for them to take that away, Brown Sr. told Fox 2 . “I think it’s disturbing, disgusting…that picture is still in my head.”

The exhibit, created by Ti-Rock Moore, a White woman from New Orleans, was meant to show the damage that white privilege can do in America.

The exhibit includes a life-sized portrayal of the scene of Michael Brown’s fatal shooting, along with a Black Statue of Liberty and a noose dangling from a neon sign.


During his interview with Fox 2, Brown went on to say that he had “no problem with the person that created [the exhibit], but I think they should have reached out to both sides of the family.”

Thoughts on this controversial piece? Is it offensive or much needed? Sound off in the comments section!