
Crowds Gather for 100-City “Justice for Trayvon” Rallies

Posters that displayed a silhouette of a hooded boy and t-shirts that read “We Are Trayvon Martin” surrounded the Chicago federal building last weekend in support of the “Justice for Trayvon” rally.

Hordes of people, including hip-hop artist MC Lyte, comedian Paul Mooney, Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. and Airickca Gordan Taylor, cousin of Emmett Till, came out to express their reactions to the “not guilty” verdict for George Zimmerman. WVON 1690 AM provided us with numerous shots from their #Chi4Trayvon images, as did Windy citizens who also displayed their support for Martin’s family and demand an end to racial profiling and gun violence.

Announced by Rev. Al Sharpton last week, the event was a part of the 100-city “Justice for Trayvon” National Action Network rallies and vigils held across the nation. Take a look at the gallery and send more pictures to us from marches you attended or  imagery from any other events that show how you’re turning #anger2action. You can submit pictures via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #Anger2Action.  JET won’t let this issue vanish from the radar, and we know you won’t either.

Photo Credit: WVON, Operation Push, Patt McGee

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