Moment Of Clarity

Domestic Violence Kills More Black Women

Credit: Thinkstock

We understand.  Sometimes, problems with romantic relationships,  friendships, career or family life get you down. And we want to help. That’s why JET is working with therapist, Jinnie Cristerna, who will take your questions and offer some sage, sanity-restoring advice every Tuesday.

Jinnie Cristerna, LCSW, CHt.

Jinnie Cristerna, LCSW, CHt.

You can submit your own question via our contact form and don’t fret, we’ll keep your name and identity confidential.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and we will forgo our weekly question to give you statistics and resources when you are ready to exit an abusive relationship. You never know when you or someone you know could use the information.

The Facts:

Let’s begin with some numbers – cold hard facts.  According to the new Violence Policy Center (VPC) report “When Men Murder Women: An Analysis of 2011 Homicide Data”,  Black women were murdered by men at a rate that was more than 2.5 times greater than the rate for White women. In fact:

94 percent of Black women knew their killers;

52 percent of them were either wives, common-law wives, ex-wives, or girlfriends of their offenders;

Firearms were often used to murder Black women;

Black women were often killed during the course of an argument.

Domestic violence is a serious issue for all women at all socio-economic levels; however the issue is a heightened matter of life and death in African-American communities. If you or anyone you know is in an abusive relationship – GET EDUCATED AND GET HELP!  

A Special Message …

To those women who are in an abusive relationship, this can be scary and I know you may be afraid to leave. At the end of the day, if you only remember one thing, remember this: you have permission to leave … you always have. No one is judging you if you decide to stay, just understand that we are afraid for you and simply want you to be safe.

Even though everyone learns and gets ready in their own time and in their own way, please know that you are not alone. There are people and places who care about you and want to help, whenever you are ready.  I have listed a few places below in case you are unsure of where to start. It is good to have information so you can make an informed decision about your situation because if you ever decide to leave, it is important for you to be prepared and safe.


Violence Policy Center: This site publishes research on violence and gun crime.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence: This is a GREAT website to learn how to get help, create a safety plan, protect your identity, and much more!

The HOTLINE: This is a wonderful site to get education on domestic violence, find someone to talk to (deaf impaired can also call between 9am-5pm PST), learn if you are experiencing abuse, and get connected to help in your area.

The National Network to End Domestic Violence:  This is a good site to learn more about domestic violence and become active in the cause.

Continue the Conversation …

There are a number of reasons why domestic violence kills more Black women than White women. While this post focused on helping women get help, I would love to read your thoughts on why you believe this is the trend for Black women, in your comments below.

In fact, I want you to take the conversation BEYOND THE BLOG! Have conversations about domestic violence in your homes, churches, and schools with your daughters, sons, and family and friends.  You never know – you just may save a life.

Pleasant, and safe, journeys …


Do you have a question for Jinnie? Submit it to us via the contact us form. You can also learn more about our “Moment of Clarity” JET therapist via:

Her site at International High Achievers.

Twitter: @intlachievers

Facebook: Like Jinnie’s Page!

You can also subscribe to her High Achievers email list here!