Get ready to move up to that corner office or start your own enterprise. is partnering with award-winning entrepreneur and founder of The BOSS Network, Cameka Smith, to bring you “Ask The BOSS” every month. This feature will take your questions and offer you career and entrepreneurial advice. You can submit your own question via our [email protected] and don’t worry; we’ll keep your name and identity confidential. Now we have a question from a reader we will call “Web Needs.”
I am a newly hired executive director for a small non-profit organization that has a very nice website and an old Facebook account that hasn’t been used much. Since we work a lot with college students, I would like to revamp our web presence altogether to freshen up our website, Facebook page and add Twitter and LinkedIn accounts to our web presence as an organization. Is it worth the investment in hiring a professional to do this work or, because we have a large college student base that we work with, should I reach out to a local university and ask an IT professor to make this a class project for the college students?
Dear “Web Needs”:
My mom always told me you get what you pay for. When it comes to your brand’s presence I never recommend taking the less expensive way out. Look at it as an investment because once you have the site revamped with all the useful social media links, etc., it may not need revamping for a few years.
If, however, you choose to let a student do it as a project, it might just be that a project that will need ongoing improvements or adjustments depending on the student’s level of expertise in web development. I suggest going to sites like where you can hire professional web designers and view their portfolio for previous work as a low cost.
As a former educator, I am a huge advocate of giving students opportunities to gain real-world experience. You can still leverage your relationship with the university and have them provide you with 2 interns that can keep your social media updated and maybe even your website. This way you have the professional look you are going for and you also save money on maintenance.
BOSS on the move,
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