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If you want the role, you must dress the part. Dressing yourself this way is more than just about putting on clothes. What does your brand say? What would you like your brand to say?
This same question applies to your style, which should be consistent with the goals of your brand. Crafting an image for your business involves creating a style persona consistent with your concept. When you dress the part, you can represent everything essential to who you are and what you do.
One of the first steps in finding the right style for your brand is to determine what you’re trying to convey. What do you want people to hear when you step into the room?
Yes, hear. What’s your ultimate goal — and is it compatible with the style language you want to speak?
Find a balance that allows your style to speak for both your personal and professional brands. Being consistent with your style and developing a positive mindset puts you where you want to be, which lets you become who you want to be.
So, for your next business or social event, here are my five steps on how to command the room with style:
1. BE STRATEGIC about your style presentation. Wear an ensemble that defines your style persona and allows you to stand out while fitting in at the same time. Understand your ultimate goal. Are you trying to meet new people? Gain new clients? Promote your brand? Become an influencer? Dress how you want to be addressed and keep those heels — and standards — high.
2. BE A STYLE LEADER by taking risks and always overdress appropriately. For instance, if you’re going to a women’s conference where the attire is casual, wear a power suit that speaks your style language. Dressing in such a manner will make people wonder, “Who are you and what do you do?”
3. SHIFT YOUR MINDSET to catch up with your style. Now that you have your packaging (style) complete, your contents need to be just as inspiring. Tell yourself that you’re already the boss you desire to be. This will clearly display your confidence and influence those around you.
4. OWN THE ROOM with poise and style. Humbly pretend in your mind that you are the host of the event and greet everyone with a pleasant smile. Hold your head up, but never away. My mother taught me that one.
5. START CONVERSATIONS with those you don’t know and politely end the conversation for a smooth transition to start new ones with other people. Always remember to listen and ask questions. People love to tell their own stories. Remember, your style should have already told your story when you stepped into the room. Let your style speak for you.
(Smiling Bussinesswoman via Shutterstock)
About Laurie Underwood
Laurie Underwood is the owner and designer of Wanda Grace. Following her childhood dreams, she took on the challenges to see what successes she could accomplish by becoming an independent fashion designer. Laurie started her design business in 2008 and continues to grow her brand through style inspiration and empowerment.
Follow BOSS Member Laurie and view her profile at The BOSS Network.
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