JET Beauty

Beauty of the Week: Tiara Jamison

Today’s Beauty of the Week is a woman who lives up to the standards JET set decades ago. This week’s Beauty talks about why she chose to compete and what she hopes to achieve in life.

Name: Tiara Jamison

Hometown: Portsmouth, Virginia

Occupation: IMAC Coordinator at Hewlett Packard

Instagram: @tiarasjamison


Hobbies: Acting and Modeling

Favorite Vacation Location: Hawaii

Why I want to be a JET Beauty: I have always felt that JET Beauties exemplify beauty and ambition. Personally, I do my best to make conscious decisions to not only chase my dreams, but to capture them. Beauty surpasses what is displayed outwardly. I believe that being kind to others and helping them find and achieve their dreams is what is most important in life and I intend to work relentlessly towards that goal.
