Hottest Singles

Hottest Singles Nominee: Berna Williams

Berna WilliamsName: Berna Williams

Age: 49

Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

Current Residence: Philadelphia, PA

Occupation: Sr. Business Analyst

What Makes You the Hottest Single?

My Peace of mind which brings me simple, everyday joy.

What is the Most Outrageous Pick-up Line You’ve Ever Heard?

A guy walked up behind me and said, “Redbone, can I get some fries with all that shake?”

What Physical Feature Are You Most Complimented On?

My brown eyes.

What Aspect of Your Personality Gets the Most Kudos?

My easygoing demeanor.

Share One of Your Biggest Secrets to Staying Sexy:

I am thick but healthy. I have no desire to be a size 6, but I strive to ensure my physical and mental health are in tact. It’s all in enjoying the fact that real women do have curves.

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