
NeNe Leakes Recap: ‘I Dream of NeNe: The Wedding’

Credit: Courtesy of Bravo

This week’s episode of I Dream of NeNe: The Wedding begins with NeNe Leakes and the bridesmaids clearing the air. Yes, really.

Can’t We All Just Get Along?

NeNe arranges a sit-down with her BFF Diana, Marlo Hampton and Alexis. She tells the ladies they acted like “damn fools” in L.A. and asks them to put aside their differences for her wedding. Good luck with that one.

Alexis claims she’s been Team Gregg since day one, while Diana was happy NeNe wasn’t with him so she could essentially have her all to herself. Marlo says Diana acts more like a security officer when it comes to NeNe, but says she’s willing to move forward and asks for a hug. The ladies agree to at least try to get along for now. We’ll see how long this lasts.

The Wedding Planner

Where’s Jennifer Lopez’s character for the romantic comedy when you need her? NeNe’s wedding planner, Tiffany, is seriously dropping the ball and there are only a few weeks left until the Big Day. No bueno.

NeNe wants a “fairy tale” wedding with a gold ceremony and a silver reception, but she’s yet to see even one sketch from Tiffany. Umm…hello? This is your job!

Tiffany is late for her appointment with NeNe and Gregg and all hell breaks loose. There’s so much back and forth about who sent what when that it’s enough to make your head spin.

Frustrated, Tiffany asks NeNe why she hired in the first place and NeNe gives her a brutally honest answer: because her first two choices were booked. Ouch.

Fed up, Gregg wants to cancel the whole wedding and go straight to the Justice of the Peace, or the J.O.P. as he calls it. Because, you know, Gregg is “hip” and all that. And you should have seen the epic side-eye NeNe served him.

Unsurprisingly, NeNe refuses to cancel her “second chance at love” and the couple moves on to A-list wedding planner Tony Conway, who planned Cynthia’s nuptials as well. With a budget starting around $500,000, I’m excited to see what Conway plans.

NeNe also decides to hire Marlo as the “creative director” for her wedding. Huh? I didn’t know you could hire friends, I thought you just assigned them duties. Heck, if that’s the case, I need to collect some back fees for my bridesmaid services.

The Elephant in the Room

I want to call up Gregg and tell him to just sign the dang prenup already. Seriously, he has been dragging his feet the entire season and it’s starting to get a little annoying.

Gregg consulted Cynthia’s husband, Peter, and asked if he signed a prenup. Peter says yes because he felt as though Cynthia didn’t have anything else he wanted besides herself. But Gregg’s not buying it.

When NeNe approaches him again, Gregg wonders if he missed an opportunity and should have asked NeNe to sign a prenup when they first got married. NeNe insists things are different and I just want Gregg to get over himself and his ego.

Throwing Shade…Literally

During brunch, Cynthia (rocking a fierce ‘fro, might I add) institutes a shade-throwing policy amongst the bridesmaids. Whoever throws shade at someone else must wear a pair of hideous brightly-colored plastic sunglasses for at least two minutes. I love the shaming technique!

But soon enough, all of the women, including NeNe, are sporting the shades because Gregg refuses to sign the prenup. Only time will tell…