Fuse will launch its first scripted series, The Hustle. The Hustle is a six-part 30-minute hip-hop drama that focuses on the ups and down of two rap artists, Kutta (Y’Lan Noel) and D (London Brown), together known as Brooklyn’s Finest. The show also features actor Ericka Dickerson, who plays a childhood friend of the group named Ya-Ya and Clinton Lewis as Rashad, the crew’s sidekick.
The show will be directed by Millicent Shelton known for his work on Everbody Hates Chris and 30 Rock, Rusty Cundieff of The Bernie Mac Show and Chapelle’s Show, and Billie Woodruff of Beauty Shop.
“There are plenty of stories about trying to make it in the music industry, but never has there been such an authentic look at the hip hop industry and the struggles that accompany the journey to get to the top,” said Mike Bair, president, MSG Media in a press release.
The Hustle will debut on June 19 at 11 p.m. on the Fuse Network.