
“Sorority Sisters” Cast Members Cast Out?

The power in numbers phrase is ever present in the recent rattling and shakedown of VH1’s reality series, “Sorority Sisters.”

Folks have petitioned, rallied across social media, advertisers cancelled their air spots, and now sisters are seemingly getting dropped from their sororities for participating in the controversial show.

Cast members April McRae and Joy Hammond, formally a part of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Inc. received an 18-month suspension. The latest in the sorority sister shake down is the expulsion, effective January 13, 2015, of cast members and now former Delta Sigma Theta sisters Priyanka Banks, Lydia Mitchell, MeToya Moore, Adrene Ashford and Shanna McCormick.

Whew! Delta does not play.

Adding more to the possible dismissal of the show, is that VH1 is no longer claiming the series’ existence on its website. That’s right, it wiped its “shows” section clean of the controversial show they once swore to stand behind.

With all the drama circulating, there’s still no official word on the show being cancelled.