The drama continues for Columbus Short. After a series of domestic abuse allegations, the actor brought his scandal-ous behavior to The Tom Joyner Morning Show this morning.
Though he started out stating he was feeling “blessed,” the interview took a turn for the worse when Joyner and his crew inquired about his recently released single, “Gave Ya.”According to Short, the song is about encouraging women to feel beautiful inside and out:
Columbus: …My single is about women who I believe need to feel confident in themselves. To be like ‘Look, this is what God gave you. You want a man, how about you just be confident in what God gave you.’ Stop trying to put on all that makeup. Stop trying to put on all that eyelashes and hair –
Sybil: So does that mean the women that you’re dealing with are not very confident and that you needed to put this out to send them a message?
Columbus: How about every woman is not really confident. How about I’m not all the way really confident. When you know who you are, confidence is a humbling thing to, to, grasp.
J. Anthony Brown: How about you just don’t do interviews?
Tom: How does your wife feel about the song?
Columbus: Uh, I don’t care. How about I don’t care.
Wow, maybe stop doing interviews, as J. suggested… Click Here to read the full transcript and listen to the interview. This doesn’t look good. We really hope Columbus can pull it together.