
Azealia Banks Strikes Again

Azealia Banks is known for speaking her mind.

And the Broke With Expensive Taste star did exactly that in a 6 piece Twitter rant Monday about the BET Awards.

Banks, who is up for “Best Female Hip-Hop Artist” this year, took to the social media site to share her thoughts about not just the ceremony, but a fellow rapper who she’s up against for the award:

While Azealia may believe that the BET Awards could be a lot better (an idea that I’ve heard quite a few times), and that more diverse winners in the “Best Female Hip-Hop Artist” category is needed (also a valid point), it’s kind of in poor taste to diss a show where you’ve been nominated. Just sayin.’

But hey, let us know what you think. Does Azealia Banks have a point? Is the BET Awards a running joke? Sound off in the comments.