BlogsKeeping It 140 w/Kyra

Keeping it 140: Conservative Commentator, Harlem Gangsters and Kim Kardasian Critic

Before I even begin this week’s Keeping it 140, I’d like to send my condolences to the family and fans of Roger Ebert, movie critic and writer extraordinaire.  It may be a bit off-topic from rounding up social media misfits, but I believe it is ideal he be memorialized here, as he was a prolific Twitterer who reclaimed his voice in 140 characters when illness robbed him of the real thing.

Hope he can read this and all his other deserved tributes from his balcony in the sky and know that he will be missed, but that his work will live on due to its sheer awesomeness.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming, reserved for those folks who have not a clue what to do when on social media.

1. One-Drop Doofus

Bigots.  Deciding percentage of Blackness since 1910.  Somebody please hand a big cup of shut up to Tim Graham, director of media analysis at the conservative Media Research Center.  Here’s this straight up fool’s reaction, on Twitter no less, to Karen Finney being named the host of an MSNBC program.

MSNBC touting Karen Finney as another African-American host. Would the average viewer be able to guess that? Or is Boehner a shade more tan?

Next up, he’ll be demanding that she submit to a brown paper bag test.  Oy vey.

2. 1% Wars with Kimmy Cakes

It takes a lot for me to be on Team Kardashian.  Though I see some humanity in Khloe and Kourtney, I don’t have much empathy for the little sister of the K clan.  But I would be willing to join up with her against this money-flaunting jackass who was calling her a “peasant” on Instagram.  Per Mediatakeout’s post, he is practically asking to start the Occupy movement afresh with his obnoxious displays of greed.  ‘Cuz really, if Kim is a peasant, what is he saying about us regular folk? Please, tell me he’s joking.

3. Harlem Shake

When we first started adding friends to Facebook and re-tweeting the missives of followers, did you ever imagine that social media might one day be getting folks locked up?  As the New York Post reports, the latest rash of cretins rounded up by the po po for TMI on Twitter and Facebook.  About 63 “dangerous gangsters” in Harlem were gaffled this week as a result of revelations including the posting of guns and wads of cash.  Law enforcement cracked the codes of their cryptic language and pretty much hauled them off.  My question is: If you’re clever enough to come up with a 100 ways to say “shot,” shouldn’t you be smart enough not to talk about it on a platform viewed by millions?  I’m just sayin’….

4. Diplomacy is Dead

The US Embassy Twitter account is under scrutiny this week, after accusations from the Egyptian government that it engaged in negative propaganda by re-tweeting a  “The Daily Show” segment.  The 10-minute bit focused on the regime cracking down on comics, including Bassem Youssef, touted the “Jon Stewart” of his country.   President Mohammed Morsi’s office tweeted back in response to the tweet in question:  “It’s inappropriate for a diplomatic mission to engage in such negative political propaganda.”  Welp, looks like some online peace talks need to be in the works.  Perhaps they’ll handle that on Pinterest.