

Saigon was so thrilled last week on Love and Hip Hop New York when the paternity test revealed that he was indeed the father of Erica Jean’s child. The good news gave the couple the green light to reboot their romantic relationship. But that light when from green to red quickly when Saigon questioned Erica’s parenting skills. Oooh! Find out about the details and more in this week’s recap…


Erica Jean and Saigon were determined to make their relationship work. The rapper even set up a romantic date, where the couple showed their artistic ability in a painting class. Then Saigon revealed some thoughts he claimed he’d been hiding for a while. He didn’t think his son was developing properly, which made him question Erica as a mother. But before he confronted his girlfriend, he confided in his dear friend, Peter. I guess Peter’s messy love triangle wasn’t enough of a deal breaker to force Saigon to seek refuge in someone a little less foolish. When Peter gave Saigon the encouragement he needed, he met Erica at a New Jersey restaurant to yell, I mean, discuss his concerns. The conversation swiftly escalated into a huge argument that ended in many curse words and prompted Saigon to fling Erica’s handbag across the parking lot. So much for fixing the relationship.


Cyn thought it was a good idea for her girlfriend, Erica Mena, and Nya to sit down together and mend their friendship. It was not a good idea, Cyn.

The two met at Nya’s place of employment, the strip club. After greeting each other, the tension got even thicker when Nya accused Mena of carrying a knockoff bag. She asked to hold the purse, examined it from front to back and said, “questionable.” What better way to start a patch up that with an insult! Once again, the girls slighted each others’ credibility as artists. While Mena continued to remind Nya of what she does for living, Nya challenged Mena’s music abilities. Mena had had enough and stormed out. But before she finished off her grand exit, Nya threw out a load of money and made it rain. (At least it was the appropriate place to do so.) Yeah, this friendship is a goner.


Yandy has a stellar career and loving family. All that’s missing is her beloved Mendeecees, who’s now been jailed for up to seven months at this point. Her father flew up from Florida to help comfort her. While there he lent a shoulder to cry on and gave his daughter hope. After Yandy dried her tears, it was time to get down to business. She went to visit her fiancé’s lawyer to find out what’s really going on with Mendeecees’ case. The attorney, who’s supposedly one of the best, couldn’t tell Yandy much since the couple never married. He just told her to be patient. Yandy then realized that Mendeecees may not have been telling her the true seriousness of the charges in an attempt to protect her. Stay strong, girl.


Yandy and Rich Dollaz were once both in agreement about signing Amina, Peter’s wife. But when all the secrets came out, the decision was split. While Rich was still down to add the artist to the label, Yandy had changed her mind. Not only did she want to build a drama-free empire, but she’s also Tara’s friend. Yandy was able to break the news to Peter gently and he understood. But Peter was still counting on Rich to help make Amina a star. Now, Rich is taking on Peter and Amina as an independent project. Is this a good move for Rich? Probably not. Let’s see how this goes.

Rich may be making more questionable moves. Next week, he’s attempting to pair Mena and Peter up as artist and manager. Eeeek!

Your Turn: What did you think of last night’s episode of Love and Hip Hop New York? Let us know in the comments!